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Azabat Yacht

title:Azabat Yacht
download page:link
genre:Traditional games
release:October, 2018
features:text, sound, visuals
last edit by:Dark


Azabat Yacht is a self voicing, easy to play version of the popular dice game of Yahtzee. Roll the dice then fill in one of the thirteen scoring categories such as three of a given number, full house or straight, however bare in mind that if you can't make any of the categories you'll need to place a zero.

The Azabat version allows play for up to six players at the same computer, and is self voicing with microsoft Sapi. Also, given Azabat's intention of providing games for computer novices, the game uses only the keyboard keys, contains extensive instructions and strategy hints, as well as graphics that can be magnified or changed in contrast for those with any level of sight.

The game costs 6 UK pounds, though if bought together with another downloadable Azabat title such as Azabat blackjack, both games can be bought for ten pounds instead.

Good luck.


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